Monday, July 1, 2013


This morning, I was pondering my devotional reading from Seeking God's Face by Philip Reinders, which included this passage from I Peter: 8b. It says, "They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do." This and similar verses have always bothered me; why would God destine people to disobey, to go to Hell? Why would He choose some people to be with Him forever and others to be separated from Him forever?
As I was questioning this, I realized I still had Sovereign by Chris Tomlin running through my head. I had been listening to it on my morning walk, and it was stuck. The words that created an interesting juxtaposition are,
"Sovereign in the mountain air,
Sovereign on the ocean floor,
Sovereign in the dark,
Sovereign in the dawn."

I cannot question God's motives; He is Good in all things, in all times. I cannot question God's ability; He is almighty. I cannot question God's authority; He is sovereign. I do not know whether God extends His grace to all people for their acceptance or rejection, or whether God has chosen some people to be damned. What I do know is that God is in charge, not me! I don't have to understand His plan, any more than my six-year-old has to understand my plans. I can simply trust that God has it all under control.

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