Monday, April 29, 2013

Under the Weather

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.”
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
 Circumstances in our lives change continually. Good things happen. Bad things happen. I've written on how through it all, God is with us. And He is. 
The quote above by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross declares that it's during those dark times of our lives that our true beauty is revealed. If we add the caveat that it is God's beauty that is revealed in us when times are dark, I agree with it.
I was sick this past weekend. The first warm weekend of spring, and I had a fever and headache that kept me indoors! I wasn't happy about that at all. I have been looking forward to riding my bike, kayaking, and playing outside with our wee one.
It wasn't a truly dark time in the big picture, but it was enough of a dark time to bring out some of my crabbier tendencies. It was difficult for me to maintain my balance when I felt so crummy. 
I would love to say that I allowed my love for Christ to shine through, but I probably didn't. I'm hoping and praying that Christ's perfect love for me shone through me. Both the Old (e.g. Psalms 117:2) and the New (e.g. Romans 5:8) Testaments assure us of God's love for us. 

The two photos on the left are of the same piece of glass art. One is lit from the front; the other is lit from the back, through the glass. They look totally different, don't they?

I pray that God will continue to work in me, that He will grow me into a woman through whom He can shine during the darkest of times... and when I'm feeling punky on a nice weekend. 
That His glory will shine through and around and in my life. Amen.


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