Monday, April 12, 2021

Racism is a Lie.

Racism is a lie. It is the lie that Black people (And really, all BIPOC) are inferior. Racism is the lie that Black people are less intelligent, less capable, less committed, less accomplished. Racism is the lie that Black people are more violent, scarier, more angry and more likely to react negatively. 

Racism is the lie that White America is the norm to which all people should be compared. That somehow "tradition" places the prize on the White Americans of the past and the present. That Black people are "making progress" as they become more White-normed. Once Black people are "just like Whites" they will be viewed as complete and good. Racism is the lie that they are not as good right this instant.

There are certainly outright racists in our society. And many are police officers. But not ALL police officers are self-acknowledged white supremacists. Many would just as easily help out a Black person in trouble as a White person in trouble. So many white people hide behind the "**I'm** not a racist" card. Individually, we may not hold conscious beliefs in our superiority, but we need to face the fact that our society holds systemic racism. Our willful ignorance of that fact creates situations where 12-year-old Black boys are killed for wearing a hoodie and Black men are murdered on the pavement by those who are supposed to protect us all.

We don't know all the facts regarding the death of Daunte Wright. We do know another Black man was killed by another police officer. I'm sure we will hear all sorts of things about the incident over the next days, weeks, months, and years. But I call on you to examine the lie. Spend some time reflecting on your reaction to a Black man entering an elevator with you. Think about what you picture when you're asked to describe a "welfare mom." We have all been exposed to the lie that is racism. What have you internalized? 

Black people are good people. They are intelligent. Hard-working. Successful. They love their families and make strong commitments to them. Black people are good people. They care for their communities. They dedicate themselves to improving the lot of their neighbors. Black people are good people. They achieve excellence in every field. They are doctors, lawyers, dancers, teachers, astronauts and so much more. 

How does the paragraph above sit with you? Do you find yourself countering the statements? Can you give any information about Blacks in history? Beyond MLK? How about Madame CJ Walker? Do you know about Black Wall Street? The laws which routed and continue to route public infrastructure through Black and brown communities, taking generational wealth from persons of color? 

Black people are good people. 

Racism is the lie that Black people are inferior. 

Where did this lie come from? From the need of white kidnappers to justify the abduction of thousands of Black people living their best lives in Africa. From the need of white slaveholders to justify the enslavement of human beings, the selling of children, and the systemic rape of women. 

Racism is the lie that Black people are inferior. Confront that lie inside yourself. Look for Black Excellence. Join a Facebook group that spreads the news of Black Excellence. Read Black history. Go to Black cultural events. If you look, you will find Black Excellence. It is all around us.

Racism is the lie that Black people are inferior. Racism is the lie that in order to be equal, Blacks must meet the White norm. Black people have been equal all along; it's just the White people who haven't recognized it.

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