Friday, March 12, 2021

A. Year.

A year. A year of quarantine. A year of pandemic. A year of staying home. A year of family, but not extended family. A year of online school for our teen. A year of homeschool for me and the little guys. (Well, that wasn't different! Homeschooling has been happening in our home for years.)

This was. A. Year. Strangest I've ever had, for sure! The past 12 months have been different in many ways. We could all list many things we've disliked: masks, chapped hands, social distancing...

But this was also a GOOD year. Yes, I'm serious. 

Each of us has had one COVID-birthday. Our middle dude is on the verge of a second one, but we're hoping that the tribe lifts some restrictions so we can invite people for an outside party. And this year we started some new birthday traditions: The birthday person gets a personal cake in addition to a family cake; and I've learned how to make an ice cream cake. 

We worshipped at home. The five of us and all three of our cats. We huddled together around my computer, sang worship and praise, and listened to the weekly sermon my husband posted on YouTube. We were able to pause and answer questions, which grew our faith.
We got outside. Not as much as we usually do, but we got out to hike and kayak several times. We wore masks when we were near people, but mostly were able to go maskless because we were isolated from others. It was a joy~reminded me of why outdoor activities are so welcome in my life.

We made a million memories! When the fireworks were cancelled, we made our own with eggshells filled with paint. If you throw them at things (boxes! We threw them at boxes!), the splatter looks like fireworks. When Little Beaver Celebration was cancelled, we made our own carnival, rides and all! Our teenager planned monthly "sleepovers" with the boys in the living room. She planned the treats, the movies, the decorations...all on a theme each time! We even made a haunted house for Halloween! And the kids made pinata pumpkins which we filled with candy and broke on Halloween.

We had a New Year's Eve party, complete with a photo booth. We, like everyone, hoped that 2021 would be a year of joy. January brought political unrest nationwide, but peace and hope here at home. February brought vaccines to our community, our state, and our arms! 

Almost exactly a year after we began to social distance, we are fully vaccinated. We are grateful for the possibilities that brings. And we're also grateful for the home-centered-year that we've had. Re-entering the "rat race" will bring different joys, but we'll always have the memories of that year. Because it's been A. Year.

1 comment:

  1. This was SO uplifting AND entertaining!! Thanks for sharing it! You are amazing!!!
