Friday, May 29, 2020


I recently read this question asked of Black leaders in a forum:  Do Black people get sunburned? As the mom of two Black children I had some experience in this area, but I chose to keep my thoughts to myself and listen. I am learning that this is the very best way to learn from people way more informed and experienced than myself. 

I mean, think about it...who would you ask if Black people can get sunburned: White people or Black people? It's a no-brainer, right? 

Then why won't you listen to Black people about racism? Specifically about whether racism is happening frequently in 2020.  Aren't they the ones who would have the experience and knowledge to tell whether racism is alive and well in 2020? Aren't people of color the experts? 

No? How on earth can you claim to know more about racism and whether it's happening right now than people who receive racism?! 

And yet, that's what I see so many White people claiming: 

"There is no racism today." 

"Racism is dead; Black people keep dredging it up." 

"Stop claiming racism about everything!" 

"Racism is getting worse because Black people keep pushing it."

"I'm appalled at the murder of George Floyd, but I see no evidence it was racist."

"I understand why Black people are mad, but they should stop rioting."

And on and on.

White people: You are NOT the experts in racism. Black and Brown people are. Stop talking over them. Stop questioning their perceptions. Just stop.

And listen.

Listen to Colin Kaepernick's peaceful, quiet kneel.

Listen to Shaun King's social media posts.

Listen to Michelle Alexander and Ibram X. Kendi in their books about race.

Listen to Bryan Stevenson's TED Talk, "We Need to Talk About an Injustice." 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called riots "the voice of the unheard." White America needs to make Black America heard. White America needs to stop talking over Black America and listen. Really listen. Stop telling Black people that their experiences aren't really what they say they are. Stop telling Black people that they're saying it wrong. Stop telling Black people that you're not racist; instead tell them what you're doing to be anti-racist. After you listen.

Listen to the experts on racism: Black Americans. Brown Americans. 

If we White Americans do not truly listen to Black and Brown Americans right now, there will be more riots. More anger. More hatred. I do not recommend rioting, but I do understand it. I support those who are doing it because no one is listening to their long list of grievances. Below is a diagram for you to explore to see if you yourself contribute to those grievances. Take some time to explore it and your own behavior.

When someone is being hurt repeatedly by another, we encourage politely telling the aggressor to stop. If they don't, we tell people to say it stronger. And if the perpetrator continues, we give permission to hit back. I mean, seriously folks, isn't that what you've told your kids??? If the bully won't listen to your words, your strong, powerful words, you can hit them back. Stand your ground even puts it into law. Talk. Talk strongly. Hit back.

Start listening, White America. Seek Black voices and listen.


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