Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Image result for norovirus new mexico 2019To say that we live in a time of uncertainty is an understatement. First, there's the chaos at the national level: Supreme Court Justices issuing scathing dissents and the President of the United States tweeting thoughts that are un-American, to say the least. Then there is the looming pandemic of the coronavirus and the ensuing public almost-panic following the CDC's update today.

Then there's the reality of my husband's role as pastor here in Dulce: He just did his 66th funeral in six and a half years. More than 85% of them have been for people under the age of 60. Many have been a result of violence or addiction.

And personally, we are dealing with some pretty distressing behaviors from our kids this week. Things that make us worry about their futures. And ours. Plus, we are still debating our time line for retirement... and where we should settle as we retire. Considering not just our own needs and desires, but the needs and desires of our three minor children, ages 13, almost 7, and 5. We have a lot of years of parenting ahead yet, well into our retirement years (unless Brad pastors for a very long time).


It's unnerving. It's hard not to know what the plan is! It's difficult to wonder what might happen... how it will affect us personally. For some people, it creates anxiety. For others, full-on panic!

For the Christian? In Philippians, the Bible tells us not to worry, but to pray. So pray, Christians, pray! Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Philippians goes on to say that we will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.

So when my thoughts wander to parenting a teenager in my 70s...I pray! God gives peace that surpasses all understanding! It doesn't have to make sense, but I feel confident that God will provide all we need as parents.

And when the CDC says that we should prepare for a disruption of our normal lives due to the coronavirus...pray! God will give you peace in the midst of chaos.

And when my lung specialist (who has been figuring out my asthma issues) is suddenly "out of network" and therefore, out of my price range...I pray! I pray that God will lead me to another doctor who can help me decipher and manage my suddenly unpredictable asthma. And God gives me peace in the process.

Uncertainty in the world and in our lives is expected. In John 16, Jesus says, "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."

So, Christian, take heart in these uncertain times. You have everything you need: Jesus has overcome the world! In the worst of times, we can pray. We can know God's peace that surpasses all understanding. We can lean into the uncertainty with a certainty of faith, itself a gift of God. Thank God!

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