Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Comfort of the Holy Spirit

Do you ever know a Bible story so well that you stop listening to yourself read? That's what happened this morning; the story of Saul's conversion is well-known to me. I kept reading Acts 9, but I wasn't paying too much attention.

Until I read this: So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied. (Acts 9:31) As a pastor's wife, I spend significant time in conversation with my husband about how we can build up and multiply the church (not our church, Christ's church). Yet, here it is in black and white: We walk in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

Walking in the fear of the Lord is a common idea in Scripture. We are to fear God... not the "I'm terrified of you" fear of a small child in an abusive home, but the reverent fear that respects God's power and sovereignty. This part didn't surprise me at all.

Walking in the comfort of the Holy Spirit...

That surprised me! Very much! I'm still stunned by the concept: The church will be multiplied by walking in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Walking in the comfort of the Holy Spirit is a godly thing to do!

See, the biggest change in my life upon my return to Christianity happened inside me. I used to live in continual anxiety and fear. I second-guessed my every move, and I was terrified of making others upset with me. Accepting Christ's rule in my life brought, more than anything, peace and comfort in the Holy Spirit. I'd never thought of that way before today.

But it's true.

The indwelling Holy Spirit has brought me peace, and yes, comfort, too. Sometimes, I feel that "comfort" isn't something we should seek as Christians, but there it is in Acts: And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, [the church is] multiplied. So maybe it's not so wrong to seek comfort, the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Because it multiplies the church. My peace, my comfort... they multiply the church!

Amazing grace.

I thank God Almighty for the work of His Holy Spirit in my life, for the comfort in which I walk these days!!


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