Thursday, September 27, 2018

I Call Praying!

For the past year, we have been fostering two young boys. They are now three and five years old, and they and our eleven-year-old have brought us much joy this year. Watching our daughter become a big sister has been amazing! She went through a few weeks of wishing she could go back to being an only child, but found grace for the changes in her life and embraced being a big sister. She's phenomenal!!!

For a year, at bedtime each night and at every meal, the children have heard and said prayers with and for each other. For a year, we've heard all three earnest voices praying for their parents, siblings, our Compassion International sponsored child, and each other. This is a sweet, sweet thing, and we treasure it.

The other day at the dinner table, we had a completely new twist on prayer: One of our three yelled (on the way to the table), "I call praying!!!!" After the laughter died down, this child was allowed to pray for our meal. We encouraged the children to consider how often they've prayed recently and which of their siblings might want to pray, too.



I LOVE this. So many times, adults are reluctant to pray, especially aloud. We should all be racing ahead, yelling, "I call praying!" Prayer is a chance to talk to God, after all! It's a conversation that should be never-ceasing, and we should be delighted to share it with others.

So, CALL PRAYING! Jump out there and volunteer to talk to the Almighty for a group! Get excited about talking to God!


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