Sunday, April 15, 2012

Necessary Losses

The first thing I have to say today is that I "stole" the title for this blog entry from Judith Viorst, who wrote a book with this title. I have read the book, and I would recommend it to those struggling with grief of any kind.

I've had my share of grief in my life, just like everyone else. Infertility has marked my life. Divorces have punctuated my days. Death has visited. Betrayal made its home in my home for many years. And still I stand, as do you. I stand by the grace of God, unscarred by the events above, but not unchanged. And life continues to bring grief, as it will until God's Kingdom comes.

My family moved last week, an event that sometimes creates grief. We moved from the home we have shared since before our youngest child came to us through adoption. It was our family home. We sold it in an act of faith, trusting that God will call my husband to a church as a pastor. We are now living in a rental home, which suits our needs just fine.

One of the things we left behind in the move was an octagonal glass piece in our front bathroom window. Someone asked me if this bothered me. I replied that I have left glass pieces installed in the last three homes I lived in, and my family members have done so as well. They were all pieces I liked and that looked good in the windows. As far as I know, they are all still present in those homes.
Does this bother me? I consider the question today as I unpack more boxes and settle in a little more. And no, it doesn't. I think of the pieces left behind as blessings for the next owner of the home. Perhaps they will see a glimpse of God in them. A little grace for their own lives.

I doubt I will craft a glass piece to remain in our rental home, although it's a possibility! More likely, I will design and create a piece for the parsonage we move to, with God's grace, eventually. Either way, the glass I leave behind will not be mourned, but left with expectation of creating joy for the next occupants. 

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