Sunday, July 12, 2020


The sunflowers are blooming in New Mexico. These sunflowers are slightly different from the Midwest's sunflowers. In the Midwest, sunflowers are tall, straight, and have one giant bloom on top. In the Southwest, sunflowers grow on lower, multi-stemmed plants with multiple blooms. The Jicarilla say that the height of the sunflowers equals the height of the snow in the upcoming winter.

One thing that all the sunflowers I've ever seen do is to turn their blossoms toward the sun throughout the day. In the morning, the blossoms all face east; in the evening, west. It's amazing to watch a field of sunflowers on time lapse (here)!

As we've proceeded through this pandemic and racial upheaval in the past few months, I've often wondered what good I can do in this situation. And sometimes, I've been downhearted, as I'm sure most of you have, also.

On yesterday's morning walk, I saw the first sunflower blooms and they made me smile. They were bent to the sun, leaning into that warmth and energy with all their being. The buds were just splitting on some of the flowers, but even they were reaching for the sun.

Christians, this is what we need to do in this troubled time. And in every time. Lean into the Son. Reach toward Jesus with all your being. Soak up His energy, His warmth, His love, His guidance. Read His word. Sing songs to praise Him. Look Sonward.

Be a Sonflower.

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