Sunday, March 22, 2020

Wherever Two Are Gathered

Worship was...well, weird this morning. We joined the throngs of Christians worshiping online today. The kids, my husband, and I gathered around my computer and participated in worship. We sang, we prayed, and we listened to my husband's sermon on Youtube. We even sang a couple of songs that we've used for AWANA. All-in-all, it was a wonderful experience!

But weird, too.

Weird not to be God's people in our home church here in Dulce. Weird to sing with just our family. (Probably weird for my husband to watch himself preach; I haven't asked him yet!) Weird not to have the full worship service.

Not weird to God, though. Not weird at all to Him!

His word says, "For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them." Remember, God knows all of our days. Even these days. He has known all along that we would face the challenge of the coronavirus. He knows how it all turns out. For us. For our families. For our nations. For our communities. God already knows.

He also works everything out for the good of those who love God (Romans 8:28). We usually do not understand how He is working; it's hard to see how some things can be for our good. Sometimes, we learn here on earth how something helped us; sometimes, we have to wait until we are face-to-face with God in heaven.

A personal example: In November, I had two bad asthma attacks. The second was bad enough for my daughter to call 911. I was taken in an ambulance to the ER. It was scary. For me. For my family. Especially for my daughter. The kids still jump whenever I cough, asking me if I'm okay.

But without that experience, my asthma would have been less well-controlled. On my new medications, I haven't needed my rescue inhaler for two months. And now I have a nebulizer and more options for extra medications when I need them. I feel confident that I can keep my asthma under control. Now I can thank God for those emergencies in November.

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." (Romans 8:28)

So, as you worship in a new way... and as we muddle through being self-quarantined (or state-quarantined)... and as we try to find ways to be compassionate while social-distancing, remember that you are not alone. God is behind us, beside us, within us, and before us. Seek Him. He is here now and always.

God's got this.

Even this.

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